01. Welcome!


Welcome to API Development and Documentation (ADD) ! In the last course of the Nanodegree you learned how to model data for the web—something that is essential to any backend. In this course, you'll learn a lot more about Application Programming Interfaces ( APIs ), which are essential for exposing that backend in a controlled way, so you can define behaviors to access and manipulate data while maintaining its integrity.

FSND C2 L1 A01 Lesson Intro

Throughout this course, there are quizzes and workspaces to test your conceptual and applicable knowledge in preparation for the final project. By the end of the course, you'll develop an API, document it, and—if you like—be able to host your code on GitHub to share with peers and potential employers.

Lesson Intro Heading

Course Overview

Here are the topics and technologies we'll be covering in this course:

Course Topics:

  • APIs: What, Why, How
  • Handling HTTP Requests
  • Routing and API Endpoints
  • Documentation
  • Testing


  • Flask
  • Flask-CORS
  • SQLAlchemy
  • JSONify
  • Unittest

Lesson Overview: Introduction to APIs

Before you start development, you should conceptually understand what you're doing. In this first lesson, you'll gain that foundational knowledge. Here's what we'll go over:

  • What are APIs?
  • Benefits of APIs
  • IP Communication
  • RESTful APIs

Let's get started!